Our team is back this week with our second video in our Coping with COVID-19 as a Family series - This one is about mindful self regulation.
The Maritz Family Foundation is launching a FREE 3-part webinar series on Mindful Self-Compassion beginning April 29. It is in partnership with Brazelton Touchpoints Center, the University of Washington Center for Child and Family Well-Being, and the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion. These webinars will feature leaders in the field sharing appropriate and timely information and practices relevant to the current global crisis and beyond. Each webinar will offer an opportunity to explore these skills and practices and consider the many ways they can support us. Here is a direct link for information and registration: https://www.brazeltontouchpoints.org/mindful/
As always, please reach out and email us at piec@ssw.umaryland.edu if we can be of support to you, your programs, your communities and your families. Also, visit The Institute’s web page dedicated to COVID resources that is regularly updated: https://theinstitute.umaryland.edu/covid-19/ for a wealth of resources and guidance to support your programs and communities.
Be well and be in touch!
The PIEC Team