Our team is back this week with our sixth video in our Coping with COVID-19 as a Family series - This one follows the last three that focused on understanding children’s responses to this significant change – and acknowledging that everyone in our houses, including our youngest, are grieving our normal right now.
What we know about the youngest in our homes, our infants, toddlers and preschoolers, also experience grief – but how they express it might be very different. Last week we referenced that as caregivers we have to be detectives to de-code their behavior, and often organize their responses – and those skills are certainly needed here. Below you will find links to two articles, by the Mayo Clinic and the New York Times that detail different symptoms of grief in young children depending on their developmental stage, and what to do to support them.
As always, please reach out and email us at piec@ssw.umaryland.edu if we can be of support to you, your programs, your communities and your families. Also, visit The Institute’s web page dedicated to COVID resources that is regularly updated: https://theinstitute.umaryland.edu/covid-19/ for a wealth of resources and guidance to support your programs and communities. This is where you will find the interactive map that details tele-health services by state that Margo referenced in the video last week.
Be well and be in touch!
The PIEC Team