Our team is back this week with our fifth video in our Coping with COVID-19 as a Family series - This one follows the last two that focused on typical regression and dealing with sibling conflict, and we will now talk about what to do when you have significant concerns about your child’s behavior and stress responses, and who to turn to for support.
It is important to understand that even the youngest among us can go through symptoms of stress and trauma as well. The team at the Center for Child Trauma Assessment, Services & Interventions (A Center of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) at Northwestern University) has published this comprehensive primer on decoding signs of stress and trauma in children that includes a chart of typical behavioral illustrations of stress by age group: http://cctasi.northwestern.edu/family/child-trauma/.
As always, please reach out and email us at piec@ssw.umaryland.edu if we can be of support to you, your programs, your communities and your families. Also, visit The Institute’s web page dedicated to COVID resources that is regularly updated: https://theinstitute.umaryland.edu/covid-19/ for a wealth of resources and guidance to support your programs and communities. This is where you will find the interactive map that details tele-health services by state that Margo referenced in the video above.
Be well and be in touch!
The PIEC Team
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