Resources for Families
Parents and caregivers are a child’s first teacher. As such, caregivers play an essential role in scaffolding the social emotional development of young children. The resources below are categorized by tier of the Pyramid Model and provide resources for caregivers to use in the home to support their child’s healthy social emotional development.
Tier 1: Building Nurturing and Responsive Relationships with Your Children & Building a Supportive Home Environment
Understanding Your Child's Behavior-Reading Your Child's Cues from Birth to Age 2
Learn to interpret what your child is trying to communicate so that you can more easily respond to their needs.
Unruffled a Parenting Podcast by Janet Lansbury
Learn how to deal with challenging behavior through respect for the child and acceptance of their emotions and developmental state through this podcast presented by parenting expert and author, Janet Lansbury.
Teaching Your Child to Cooperate with Requests
Learn how to communicate with your child effectively.
Teaching Your Child to Become Independent with Daily Routines
Make your days run smoother by learning how to create a daily routine at home.
Tier 2: Promoting Your Child's Social Emotional Development
Teaching Your Child to Identify and Express Emotions
The ability of your child to identify and express their emotions can make a world of difference in their behavior. Read this guide to learn more about ways that you can teach your child how to identify and express their emotions.
Use this feelings chart to help teach your children about their emotions and how to label them.
Learn what play skills are developmentally appropriate for your child’s age and learn how to make the most of playtime based on their needs.
Ten Ways to Help Boys Form the Close Friendships They Crave
Here are 10 ways parents can help boys defy stereotypes and form the close friendships they crave.
Follow Tucker turtle as he learns how to control his emotions. You can read this story to your children to teach them how to regulate their emotions.
Find a book to read to your child that promotes positive social emotional development
These resources can be used to teach your children about relaxation. These are also good tools to support your child's emotional regulation.
Tier 3: Addressing Persistent Challenging Behavior
Zero to Three Challenging Behaviors
This website provides many great articles and videos to help you and your child manage their challenging behaviors.
When to Seek Outside Help for Children's Problem Behavior
Though the pyramid model urges parents and caregivers to understand the behavior and respond appropriately, there are circumstances when outside help is necessary to support your child’s behavioral needs. Use this guide to see example of when outside help may be necessary.
You can use these scripted stories to support your child's behavioral needs.
General Resources on Parenting and Child Development
The Maryland Families Engage website was designed to help build a community of support for those who care for and work with young children.
ZERO TO THREE works to ensure that babies and toddlers benefit from the early connections that are critical to their well-being and development.
For Teachers & Providers
Trauma Informed Care